Sunday, 1 February 2009

Who said fitness couldn't be fun!?

Well, after approximately one month of preparation, and many helping hands in the lead up to the weekend, the Fantasy Farm Fitness Challenge by all accounts went by like a dream. People have said that it was brilliant fun, and have thanked me on more than one occasion for my efforts and organisational skills. They have also thanked my parents, and I too have to join in with this thanks. My beef stew, certainly wouldn't have sat on the stomach quite as well!

It is easy to say that the weekend was all my own doing, and to the obvious untrained eye, that would be the case. However no event can be what it is without the competitors themselves, and on this mighty weekend, (deep into the unknown) they certainly stepped up to the mark!

It was an absolute pleasure to have everyone up to the farm. Everyone mucked in, fought hard, but did not squeal. Not a single complaint. G's toys did fly a little, but that was only his competitive edge coming to the fore.

Thanks must also go to Kiwi and Kirt for supplying me with quiz displaying equipment, and Mr James Duffield for his crucial stopwatch.

Congratulations to the jam filled Will Simmons, who stuck to what he knew. To Tooves, another Australian silver medal, and to Nick Mullineux one of our recent new recruits making a big impression.

To get a real flavour of what went on, i can only point you in one direction, and that is to our resident Australian Nick Toovey. He does write well!

And for the detail of the day, event by event, follow Kiwi's story on the main expedition blog

1 comment:

Darrell said...

Awsome way to get free labour on the farm Kimbo! Top work big dog, cheering for you all over here in Japan right...